Havoline Xpress lube in NC & VA


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Specials and Sales at Havoline Xpress lube in NC & VA


Cars are complicated machines and it takes care to keep them running well. That is why manufacturers have maintenance schedules that explain how to keep your vehicle performing efficiently and prevent costly break downs. In a typical owner’s manual you’ll find: Oil change, brake fluid and pad change, coolant system service, transmission service, battery electrolyte levels, cables and terminals, tire pressure and wear, CV boots, cabin air filter, air conditioning, heater, fuel filter, air filter, belts and hoses, power steering fluid, differential service, fuel system cleaning, and wheel alignment. And then there are mechanical service requirements like timing belt changes, valve adjustment, steering function, engine and exhaust leaks – yeah, it is a really long list! Fortunately, this isn’t a test. You don’t need to have it memorized Havoline Xpress Lube service center has access to your manufacturer’s recommendations.


Welcome to Havoline Xpress Lube, a full-service preventive maintenance and automotive repair center. We perform high quality, guaranteed service you can trust at a fair price. We service domestic and foreign vehicles and are your best choice for scheduled maintenance of your car, SUV, truck and fleet vehicles.

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